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30-Day Holistic Ballet Journeys
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"Dance with Ease" Exercises
Learning Ballet Late in Life eBook
What Kind of Sculpture Does Your Body Make?
Where Do You Find Flow in Your Movement?
Which Movements and Postures Bring You Confidence?
What Kind of Music Does Your Body Make?
Ballet Warm-Ups
5-Minute Floor Warm-Up
Pilates 1 - Foot Articulation (30 min)
Pilates 1 - Hundred and Swimming (30 min)
Pilates 2 - Hundred and Outward Hip Rotation (30 min)
Pilates 3 - Foot Work and Coordination (30 min)
Pilates 3 - Warm-Up for Ballet Stretches & Extensions (30 min)
Warm-Up Barre (30 min)
Beginning Ballet Classes (30 min)
Balance and Foot Articulation
Barre Sequence
Basic Repetitions
Détourné à Terre
Don Quixote
Follow-Along Centre Barre I
Follow-Along Centre Barre II
Frappé and Cou-de-Pied
Pas de Bourrée
Passé to Attitude
Pirouette Preparation
Rond de Jambe
Tombé and Écarté Devant
Beginner II Ballet Classes (30 min)
Balance and Pirouette from 5th
Choreography (Allegro with Demi-Pointe)
Couru and Half Turns
Pas de Cheval and Battement Piqué
Rond de Jambe & Pirouette Preparation
Waltz Turn / Pas de Vals en Tournant
Intermediate Ballet Classes (30 min)
Adage & Pas de Basque
Barre with Lots of Tendus
Don Quixote
Épaulement - Quick
Extensions & Splits
Full Barre
Pas de Bourrée Piqué En Tournant
Picking Up Combinations
Pirouette - Double
Placement and Technique (Abs, Feet, Neck)
Stabilization & Placement
Third Arabesque and Waltz Turn
Traveling Steps
Waltz & Pirouette en Diagonale
Demi-Pointe and Pointe Classes (30 min)
Balance on Flat
Battements en Demi-Pointes and Soutenu
Blue Danube
Foot Articulation & Relevé
Grand Allegro Choreography
Piqué à la Seconde
Piqué to 5th
Piqué Turn En Dehors
Pirouette En Dehors from Lunge
Relevés in Centre
Short Ballet Lessons and Demonstrations
Adage - Relevé Lent and Grand Rond de Jambe (13 min)
Arm Positions (4 min)
Attitude (9 min)
Ballet Bun (hair) (6 min)
Barre Sequence (4 min)
Breath - Lateral Breathing (12 min)
Breath and Synchronization (18 min)
Breath with Plié and Relevé (12 min)
Cambré Forward, Side, and Back (14 min)
Croisé, Ecarté, Arabesque (2 min)
Curtsy and Bow (2 min)
Deep Hip Rotator Exercise (3 min)
Demi-Pointe Exercises (13 min)
Foot Articulation Explained (en español) (2 min)
Glissade with Barre (1 min)
Grand Battement en Avant / Traveling Forward (3 min)
Grand Battement Exercise for Height and Power (4 min)
Grand Jeté / Leap (2 min)
Grand Jeté / Salto Balético (en español) (2 min)
Moving in a Square (5 min)
Pas de Basque (en español) (2 min)
Pas de Vals / Waltz Step (2 min)
Petit Allegro with Barre (1 min)
Piqué Turn En Dehors (11 min)
Pirouette Preparation from Fifth Position (3 min)
Port de Bras - Floating Arms (10 min)
Port de Bras - Half and Full (2 min)
Splits (en español) (3 min)
Stage Directions: Forward, Backward, Downstage, Upstage (2 min)
Tendu Devant (1 min)
Tendu Devant (en español) (1 min)
Tombé Pas de Bourree Preparation for Pirouette (2 min)
Choreography by Kate
Nutcracker - Chinese Dance
Nutcracker - Finale
Nutcracker - Journey Across the Sea
Nutcracker - Russian Dance
Nutcracker - Spanish Dance
The Nutcracker and the Battle Against Coronavirus (full performance December 19, 2020)
Grand Allegro Choreography
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